Sponsoring Involve NW.
Sponsoring Neo Community.
Sponsoring Tam O’Shanters Urban Farm.
Sponsoring Grosvenor Martial Arts.
Signed up to Living Wage Foundation.
Match funding for any staff charity fundraising.
Net Zero
In 2015 the UN launched their 17 goals for sustainable development. Here at Heap & Partners we use them to help us track all the actions we have so far taken to try to ensure our development is not only sustainable but ultimately leads to net zero. Scroll down to see a list of some of the actions we have taken, both big and small to reach our goal. We believe you have to look at everything, not just the big stuff, to be fully sustainable. We’re publishing this here in the hope it will encourage others to take action too.

Where we're up to

Donating to food banks.

Weekly vegetarian meals.
Joined the cycle scheme.
On-site gym for staff.
Award winning roof garden for staff.
6 days paid volunteering time for staff.

Wildflower meadow in local school.
Water cycle model for local school.

Salary review to ensure equality

Designing a grey water system for flushing the toilets.

88 Solar panels.
Smart Flower solar panel.
Electric Charging Points.
All company cars are now electric.

Apprenticeship Scheme.

Replacing repetitive tasks with robots to reduce risk of RSI.

An equal opportunity employer with staff from Czech Republic, Mexico, Ireland and Yemen.

1200 LED lights.
Replaced oil boiler with air source heat pumps.
Replaced disposable soap dispensers with re-fillable metal ones.
Eco friendly toilet paper.
Replacing coffee pods with bean to cup machines.
Movement sensors in low traffic areas for lights.

War on plastic.
Recycling now at 98%.
Changed our packaging to make it easier to re-use.
Only use 100% recycled paper.
Electronic job files.
Installed video conferencing.
Switched to zero carbon photocopiers.
Bringing production back from China & India to UK.

Put areca palm plants around factory to oxygenise.
Planted a hedge of Cotoneaster to reduce traffic pollution.
Working with Liverpool University on micro carbon capture technology.
Planting 600 trees per month.
Cross department teams looking at our carbon footprint.

Replaced Trichloroethylene with Rozone’s smart washing system, an environmentally friendly alternative cleaner.

Have now planted over 14,000 trees.

Anti-slavery and bribery policies in place.
We also ask our supply chain to confirm they have similar policies in place.